A CDK divatház Bhutánban

CDK, an emerging fashion brand in Bhutan, was founded by the visionary Ms. Chandrika Tamang, who made the bold decision to leave her corporate job and become a pioneering fashion designer.

Established in 2016, CDK stands out as one of the first Bhutanese clothing brands dedicated to supporting women's empowerment while also actively preserving and promoting the rich heritage of weaving and maintaining a strong commitment to sustainability.

At the heart of this endeavor is Chandrika's boundless energy and creativity. Her boutique studio offers an exquisite collection of unique and fashionable garments, appealing to women of all ages. Her inspiration is deeply rooted in Bhutan's profound traditions of weaving, natural dyeing, and spiritual legacy.

CDK is unwavering in its commitment to being socially and environmentally responsible. The brand achieves this by utilizing natural raw materials and dyes, minimizing chemical usage, and embracing a zero-waste ethos, creatively repurposing cutoffs into accessories and home décor.

In the ongoing evolution of the CDK brand, Chandrika envisions the use of certified, Bhutan-sourced, organic raw materials such as cotton. Additionally, she is passionately dedicated to ensuring fair wages for all the farmers and workers involved in her supply chain.

The brand's guiding principle, "Quality over quantity," emphasizes an unwavering focus on the exceptional quality of sourced materials and a deliberate approach to limited production. Chandrika's aspiration is to align with relevant international standards for ready-to-wear garments in the future, a testament to her commitment to excellence.

Chandrika Tamang, a CDK márka alapítója

Chandrika Bhutánban tanult, majd számítástechnikai területen diplomázott Indiában. Gyerekként négy különböző iskolába járt és megtapasztalta a bentlakásos iskolák minden nehézségét és örömét. Mindezt még abban a korban, amikor a számítógépek és az Internet nem voltak hozzáférhetőek Bhutánban. 

Kora gyerekkortól szeretett rajzolni és festeni, illetve erdei virágokat szedni és fára mászni. A bhutáni természet és az erdők a második otthona, amelyből nyugalmat, boldogságot és erőt merít.

Mielőtt fejest ugrott a vállalkozásába, egy bankban dolgozott körülbelül öt évig. Nem ez volt álmai munkája. Mindig odavolt a ruhákért, a divatért, divat csatornákat nézett, ahol megtanulta az alapokat.



Chandrika also harnessed the power of the internet as a valuable resource to expand her knowledge about fashion designing and natural dyeing. What began as a childhood fascination transformed into a tangible reality when she fortuitously seized the opportunity to receive formal training in Basic Apparel and Tailoring during her time in India.

In 2017, she became 'Women Entrepreneur of the Year' and she was funded by the Loden Foundation.

Chandrika arról álmodik, hogy megváltoztatja a divatipart, legalább is Bhutánban, azzal, hogy "zölden" és fenntartható módon üzemel. Azt is reméli, hogy egy napon a CDK globálisan elismert prémium márka lesz.

Now, you can help realise her dreams by ordering her beautiful fashion and home decoration items.